ADKOMunity May 2017

The world is growing together more and more by ongoing digitization. The interchange of information is creating a sea of knowledge. ADKOMunity – in the sense of community is now imparting a “more” of inside knowledge of Opto electronics.  More is not meant for flooding you with waste but we intend to provide added value and market-internal information. ADKOMuntiy is so far our medium for forwarding topics out of the world of displays, electronic development and trade by using informal language.

China is different and has got different table manners.

Did your spoon ever drop out of your mouth? That will not happen when using chopsticks. But eating with them is a philosophy apart as are a lot of things in China. Chinese people think different.

Chinese food in Europe is a slim version. It has got nothing do with China like the toppling over of a sack of rice. But not only food leaves a certain notion in our snotnosed European reasoning.

China not only eats differently – it is different. The pulse isn’t a Vienna Waltz at all. Stumbling blocks are pre-programmed, stumblings as well. ADKOM, however, keeps close contact to real China. We are aware of the fact that only one misplaced word may harm the honor of the person in question that much that he prefers swallowing chopsticks to resuming contact again. Emails to …. nowhere?  In China almost as often as incoming mails. “We consider ourselves as service provider who may not misjudge our friends of the Celestial Empire. Priceless knowledge… “ to put it mildly as per our Manager Jochen Frey. He ought to know given that ADKOM is dealing with Far East partners for decades. However, the decision is yours. We honor if you say: “We would like to resume the logistical hurdle by ourselves.” But do mind: Even a honey banana is slippy. Thus we recommend to cooperate with us. Trade with China – gladly, trouble with China - NEVER.

E-paper: Fit for today’s industrial applications

2017 could be the year for course setting developments. We already informed you about technical innovations in January. However, innovations do not stop.

They are rather likewise important for graphic- as well as segment-based e-paper. Hence we address ourselves to a survey, which frames the product specific characteristics and differences of both of them. For a good deal of applications a segment e-paper is a perfect product from a technical and economical point of view. Ideal for presentation of numeric data and simple alphabetic characters. Special characters are also possible. Segment e-paper can at present be produced up to a size of 580 x 380 mm. They go along with the corresponding segment size for applications, which require reading from great distances.
For unusual product design also not non-descript. They can be made flexibly with FPC-, PET- or PCB-based material. Our comparison is thus a solid basis for fitting accuracy within your requirement profile.